Package-level declarations


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open class Gesturedeck @JvmOverloads constructor(val context: Context = GlobalApplication.context, var tapAction: () -> Unit? = { Log.d(TAG, "2 finger tap") }, var swipeLeftAction: () -> Unit? = { Log.d(TAG, "2 finger swipe left") }, var swipeRightAction: () -> Unit? = { Log.d(TAG, "2 finger swipe right") }, var panAction: (event: MotionEvent, swipeDirection: SwipeDirection, state: GestureState) -> Unit? = { _, _, _ -> Log.d(TAG, "2 finger pan") }, var panSensitivity: PanSensitivity? = null, var longPressAction: (state: GestureState) -> Unit? = { Log.d(TAG, "2 finger long press") }, val autoStart: Boolean = true, val observingRootView: Boolean = true, val activationKey: String? = null)

This is the low-level API that allows you to build custom functionalities on top of Gesturedeck, with seamless callbacks for Gesturedeck's gestures.

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class GesturedeckMedia @JvmOverloads constructor(val context: Context = GlobalApplication.context, tapAction: () -> Unit? = { MediaControl(context).toggle() }, swipeLeftAction: () -> Unit? = { MediaControl(context).skipPrevious() }, swipeRightAction: () -> Unit? = { MediaControl(context).skipNext() }, panAction: (event: MotionEvent, swipeDirection: SwipeDirection, state: GestureState) -> Unit? = { _: MotionEvent, _: SwipeDirection, _: GestureState -> }, var panSensitivity: PanSensitivity? = null, longPressAction: (state: GestureState) -> Unit? = {}, var reverseHorizontalSwipes: Boolean = false, val autoStart: Boolean = true, val observingRootView: Boolean = true, gesturedeckMediaOverlay: GesturedeckMediaOverlay? = GesturedeckMediaOverlay( GlobalApplication.validActivity(context) ), val activationKey: String? = null) : Gesturedeck

A subclass of Gesturedeck that provides media-specific functionality such as volume control and media playback actions.

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class GesturedeckMediaOverlay @JvmOverloads constructor(activity: Activity? = GlobalApplication.activity, rootView: ViewGroup? = null, tintColor: Int? = null, backgroundColor: Int? = null, topIcon: Drawable? = null, iconTap: Drawable? = null, iconTapToggled: Drawable? = null, iconSwipeLeft: Drawable? = null, iconSwipeRight: Drawable? = null, canConfigureCenterIcon: Boolean = true)

A class that represents the media overlay for Gesturedeck.