Package-level declarations


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class Volumedeck @JvmOverloads constructor(activity: Activity, autoStart: Boolean = true, var locationServicesStatusChange: (Boolean) -> Unit? = null, var onLocationUpdate: (speed: Float, volume: Float) -> Unit? = null, var onStart: () -> Unit? = null, var onStop: () -> Unit? = null, activationKey: String? = null, runInBackground: Boolean = false, showStopButtonInNotification: Boolean = false, notificationTitle: String? = null, notificationSubtitle: String? = null, notificationStopButtonText: String? = null, notificationIcon: Int? = null)

Volumedeck provides automatic volume adjustment based on GPS speed, improving the media-listening experience for users in vehicles and public transport.

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This service runs in the background and listens to the user's location to adjust the volume of the device based on speed. It displays a notification to the user indicating that the service is running. Make sure to add the corresponding service declaration to your AndroidManifest.xml file, in order to run Volumedeck SDK in the background.