
UniversalVolume is a singleton class that manages media volume. It supports popular and also exotic Android devices that may use non-standard volume APIs. UniversalVolume manages media volume AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC only. Make sure to call initialize function before using any other function. Use UniversalVolume.instance to access the singleton instance and call any methods on it.

See also


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object Companion


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Returns the maximum volume as an integer.

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Returns the minimum volume as an integer.

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val volume: Int?

Returns the current volume as an integer between 0 and maxVolume. The maxVolume depends on each device.

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Returns the current volume as a double between 0 and 1. The range is the same for all devices.


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Adds a listener to the list of volume change listeners.

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fun dispose()

Disposes the UniversalVolume instance.

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fun initialize(context: Context)

Initializes the UniversalVolume instance with the given context.

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Removes a listener from the list of volume change listeners.

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fun setVolume(volume: Int, showVolumeBar: Boolean = false): Boolean

Sets the volume to the given volume value. If showVolumeBar is true, shows the volume bar.

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fun setVolumeToPercentage(percentage: Double, showVolumeBar: Boolean = false): Boolean

Sets the volume to the given percentage value. If showVolumeBar is true, shows the volume bar.